A Commonwealth of Love

Suppose we try to bring about a Commonwealth of Love… create a society centered on the public well-being or common welfare.  Suppose we did that and our guiding principle was love.  Suppose…

Creating a Commonwealth of Love is not a task for the faint of heart.

If, however, it is going to be done, I would suggest that Unitarian Universalists and their allies will need to be part of it.  By suggesting that we will need to be a part of it, I mean an active part of it.  It is our hearts that must change.  It is we who must expand our sense of hospitality.   It is we who will need to act – to take action – to stand up and speak out – figuratively and/or literally.

We can wish for the world of our dreams all we want – but these hands, and these voices, are the only ones that are going to make those dreams come true – there is no pixie dust that will work this magic.

The question I’ve been pondering is: What are the qualities of a Commonwealth of Love that Unitarian Universalists might agree on. I share my thoughts to date, hoping that you will share your as well.

In a Commonwealth of Love…

…  who we love, our gender, and our gender identity, will not be used as a weapon,.  It will simply be one more interesting part of who we are.

… the blessings of wealth will not be used for the benefit of the few, rather, the blessings of wealth, of well-being, of the common good, will be shared by all.

… the gifts of diversity (race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, etc) will be understood and celebrated rather than used to divide people.

… we will not see ourselves as separate but will understand ourselves as part of and deeply connected to each other and to the natural world.

… the rights of all people will be respected, all will have access to the information they need, and the voices of all people will be heard.

… peace will reside in the hearts of the people and will flow outward into our congregations… into our communities… and into our world.

It begins in our hearts. But it is our hands and our voices that will make this dream a reality.

Tomorrow is National Coming Out Day.

Are you willing to Come Out on behalf of your values… to your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends. Are you willing to come out?  To be known for who you really are?

There is a world that we dream of. It will take our hands and our voices.

It will require that we stand up.  It will require that we speak out.

This is what is possible.  This is what is necessary.

May we make it so!

Audio of the full sermon can be found at: http://orlandouu.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=196&Itemid=292 as 2011-10-09 Standing Up, Speaking Out – Rev. Kathy Schmitz

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2 Responses to A Commonwealth of Love

  1. Kathy Homblette says:

    so simple.. so brilliant.. so hard to do. Thanks, Rev. Kathy, for this clear and helpful distillation of Unitarian Universalist aspirations.

  2. This is fabulous. I still can’t believe that I didn’t manage to come up with Democracy…

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